A guy asked a shejk and said how would i know that this woman i am with is the right one for me
the shejkh said:
if when you are with her you feel closer to Allah and your iman increase then she is your path to Jannah and she is the right one
If when you are with her and you feel you are getting away from Allah and your iman decrese then she will take you to hellfire, she is the wrong one
the same advice goes to sisters
shaitan will do anything to make you take the one that makes you go away from Allahs path and do everything to make you go away from the one that makes you go to Jannah
so be strong inchALLAH and fight for the one that makes you go to jannah forget the materail things in dunya, the akihrais is more important
The Holy Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him) said:
"The whole world is pleasure, and the best pleasure of the world is the righteous woman.”
May Allah Give Us All The Best In Dunya And Akhira
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