BismIlah Al-Rahman Al-Rahim
So now you have gotten to know each other you know what you both like and what you don't like and you know what you both want in the future so even if it has been "only" a month or two it is enough to know each other you can do one more thing maybe ask close friends and family about your prospective spouse, about their positive and negative sides.
If you are the friend that is being asked about the person someone is getting to know then remember that you have to be 100% honest because you can be the reason why they are getting married and never tell about the sins the person have made it is between the person and Allah and you are the one that should cover!
When all of that is done then its time to make a decision either you like him/her and you want them for the future or not.
Why it is better to make everything as fast as possible is that when you get to know each other at first you get to know each others personality after that a lot of feelings can come up and you cant see the person for what he/she really is and shaitan comes in very easy to make everything "halal" and if you want to end it, it would be much more hurtful for the person you are ending it with.
So we say that everything went well, you want the same things, he/she has the most things you want in a wife/husband and you can see yourself with this person in the future so its time for tawakul (putting your trust in Allah)
"And when you have made a decision, then rely upon Allah (have Tawakkul). Verily, Allah loves those who rely on Him. If Allah helps you, no one can overcome you; but if He forsakes you, who is there who can help you after Him. And upon Allah must the believers rely (have Tawakkul)"(Aali-Imraan 3:159-160)
After making the decision i can tell you that it will not be easy as soon as you make the decision shaitan will be there always to show you the bad things make you doubt your decision that you were so shure about the begining!
Iblis (Satan), the cursed one, out of envy to Adam, has promised to himself "to attack children of Adam on their way to their journey toward God, so that those who fall prey to his attack will also have the same fate as himself (I'll take you down with me!). So he says, "I'll attack men from the front, behind and sides." (7:17)
This means he will disguise himself as our friend, as our opponent he will make you think about negative stuff more and more and make it harder for you to remember why you wanted it in the first place if you have tawakul and trust Allah that he wants what is best for you then this wont be a problem but if you dont then it is a big problem and shaitan will play with you until you end it or have enough tawakul
Shaitan promised that he'd do everything in his power to keep two believers apart.
If you have made the decision and you start to doubt it think about why you wanted it at the first place, how you meet, what you like about that person, what made you stay and if you will ever find someone like him/her again
im going to end with more reminders about tawakul
Rasoul Allah (Sws) said: “Make things easy! And do not make them complicated! Be cheerful! And do not be repulsive.” [Sahih Bukhari]
Whoever relies on Allah (has Tawakkul), He is sufficient for him.Verily, Allah will accomplish his purpose. Indeed Allah has set a measure for all things. (At-Talaaq 65:3)
Indeed, there is no authority for him (Shaytaan) over those who believe and rely upon their Lord (have Tawakkul). (An-Nahl 16:99)
The Messenger of Allah, Sall Allaahu `alayhi wa sallam said, “The human mind keeps wandering and branching away into different valleys. If someone follows his mind in all those wanderings, Allah does not care which valley ruins that person. On the other hand, whoever has Tawakkul in Allah, He will be sufficient to save him from those wanderings.” (Ibn Maajah from ‘Amr Ibn Al-’Aas)
‘Umar Bin Khattaab, radhiallahu `anhu heard the Messenger of Allah, Sall Allaahu `alayhi wa sallam saying, “If you trust Allah with right kind of Tawakkul, He will provide you sustenance as He provides for the birds – they go out in the morning with empty stomachs and come back in the evening with full stomachs.” (Tirmidzi)
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