måndag 25 oktober 2010

Salat Al-Hajah - Duaa At The Time Of Need

Rasul-Allah (SWS) Said, “Whosoever Is In Need Of Something, Should Make A Perfect Ablution (Wudhu), And Perform Two Rakaats Of Salaah. After Salaah He/She Should Recite The Praise Of Allah(SWT), Send Blessings On Rasul-Allah (SWS) And Then Recite The Following Duaa. (Tirmidhi)

La ilâha illallãhul halimul karimu, subhânallãhi rabbil Arshil azimi, al-hamdu lillâhi rabbil âlamina, as’aluka müjibâti rahmatika, wa azaima magh-firatika, wal ghanimata min kulli birrin, was salãmata min kulli ithmin, lâ tad’a lana dhamban illâ ghafartah, walâ hamman illâ far-raj tah, walâ hâjatan hiya laka ridan illâ qadaytahâ yâ arhamar rãhimin.

There is no deity except Allah (SWT), the Most Forbearing and Kind, Who is unblemished and the Lord of the Great Throne, so praise be to Allah (SWT), the Cherisher of the worlds. I seek all causes of the grant of Your mercy and forgiveness, a full share of virtuous deeds and complete safety from inequity. (O Allah,) Let not a single sin of mine be left aside from being forgiven, nor worry and pain from being relieved, nor need which is agreeable to You from being fulfilled, O You, Most Merciful and Compassionate. (Tirmidhi)

Thereafter, make a fervent du’a for the fulfilment of the need.